Offer Comfortable Accommodations With Waiting Room and Patient Room Seating

That’s why we offer a diverse selection of waiting room furniture that is designed to be as comfortable and familiar as possible. In contrast to the more sterile design of other medical furnishings, these chairs are available with natural wood finishes and thick cushions that are reminiscent of the furnishings you might have in your own home. We even offer recliner chairs that can allow friends and family to get some much-needed shuteye during extended hospital stays. In addition to being uncommonly comfortable, these chairs feature ergonomic designs that make them easy to clean and maintain as well. Their durable medical-grade upholstery is designed to guard against stains, and they include a hidden crumb space so that messes can be quickly swept away. Our iSeries Recliners can also be customized with our configurator tool to suit the unique needs of different facilities. At Novum Medical Products, we strive to provide waiting and patient room seating options that are every bit as comfortable as they are functional. To learn more, you can browse our complete lineup of waiting room seating options online, or give us a call today to speak with a representative!