In a standard 200 bed medical facility, hundreds of products are ordered everyday. Novum Medical has created Local Agreements to take the thinking and price shopping out of the reordering of these highly used products. Contact us today to set up your Local Agreement to begin taking advantage of these savings.
Limited Lifespan
Overbed Tables, Mattresses, Stretcher and OR Table Pads, Recliner Chairs and IV Poles have a lifespan ranging anywhere from 1 year – 5 years.
Constant Need
These products have a constant replacement rate of 10% – 30% annually. Which means purchasing departments are continually ordering these items.
Local Agreement Cost Savings
Local Agreements with Novum Medical will save you time and money! You can continue to purchase through your Prime Vendor or GPO off the Local Agreement, while making the reordering process for these products standardized and efficient!
Experience Big Savings When Ordering Replacement Products Through Novum! Give us a call today to start saving. (800) 274-2742