What You Should Know About RSV This Flu Season

A baby lays on a white cloth with a blue face mask on

There are many reasons to enjoy the coming winter and holiday season, but one of the downsides of the weather turning cold is the beginning of flu season. Of course, this moniker refers to far more than just the flu, encompassing the many ailments that spread during this time of year.

One such ailment is Respiratory Syncytial Virus, better known as RSV. This illness is spreading worse than usual this year, with multiple hospitals across the country reporting they are totally out of beds. So, it’s important to know as much about it as possible if you’re going to fight it. Here are some things to know:

What is RSV?

RSV is an airborne virus that causes an infection of the respiratory tract. It tends to spread rapidly in the winter months. It will often first present itself with symptoms similar to the common cold but can become much worse over time.

Why is RSV So Bad?

For most adults and healthy children, RSV is generally not any worse than a cold. But for babies, seniors, and the immunocompromised, it’s incredibly serious. It can cause bacterial pneumonia, respiratory failure, hospitalization, and even death.

Making matters worse, it can spread so easily. Parents and other adults may not know they have RSV since they have such mild symptoms – runny nose, congestion, light cough – and will come in close contact with a baby or small child and spread the illness.  

How to Avoid RSV

The good news, though, is that there are steps you can take to help ensure you and your child are safe from RSV. First is to avoid kissing your baby if you have cold symptoms. And if any friends or relatives have had cold symptoms, they should not touch the child. Anyone who is touching the child should wash their hands first. During the winter months, it’s wise to avoid crowds as much as possible and to wash the child’s toys regularly.

Novum Medical Products helps fight against the rise in RSV cases by providing medical facilities with the tools they need to fight the virus. Call us at 1.800.274.2742 or browse our site to learn more about our products.