Protecting Your Health in a Hospital Setting

Wash Your Hands This might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how washing your hands often falls off of people’s radar when dealing with the stress of a loved one in the hospital. Following this simple yet important preventative measure will decrease your chances of getting sick as well as decrease the likelihood of you getting others sick.

Get Some Sleep

When you’re able to, catch up on some z’s. This is key to make sure your body is getting the adequate rest it needs and helps to ensure your immune system is running with all systems go. If your loved one is sleeping or out for a test, this is prime time to catch up on some sleep.

Eat Healthy

Sure, comfort food is great in times of stress, but it’s very important to try and maintain healthy eating habits. Consider bringing some fruit and nuts to snack on. If you’re grabbing meals at the hospital cafeteria, opt for healthier options rather than sugar or carb-filled meals. For more health tips and all your medical equipment needs, contact Novum Medical today.